Coniferous Tree Care
Did you know that Coniferous trees are the first to come out of dormancy in the spring?
Moisture and fertilization play a key role in the health and growth of your evergreen trees.
Browning of evergreens and cedars is very common, and often thought to be caused by cold and windy winters. This isn’t always the case! In the first few weeks of spring, moisture is so critical for coniferous trees. That dreadful browning is often a result of a lack of water.
The first few weeks of spring is an important time for evergreens to receive water and nutrients, and if we experience a dry and windy April its up to you to provide them with the hydration they need.
When the ground has thawed enough, you can get going. A good way to tell is by using a fertilizer spike. If you are able to hammer it into the ground around the base of the tree it’s time to start watering. And, that fertilizer will provide the nutrients it needs to jumpstart its growth - bonus!
How much water your tree will need will of course vary depending on it’s size and how much direct sunlight it will receive. Have questions! Ask us anytime.